There are now a total of 524,554 high quality images of land grant records for over 200,000 grants available on the free website . The latest addition adds 77,000 “shuck” images representing 14,000 grants in Brunswick, Cherokee, Guilford, and Surry counties issued from 1764 to 1959. Thanks to everyone who donated (and plan to…
Author: dmccorkle
Bertie, Burke, Moore, and more! 143,000 new shuck images for 17 counties are now online!
Thanks to your generous donations and the always excellent effort of the State Archives Microfilm Lab, the first set of shuck images has been digitized, processed, and is now online! This includes the following counties. Beaufort, Bertie, Burke, Clay, Edgecombe*, Glasgow, Graham, Granville, Greene, Haywood, Martin, Moore, Pitt, Stanley, Stokes*, Swain, and Tyrrell* [* some…
The Shuck Digitization Project is off to a great start!
NC Historical Records Online is happy to announce that our project for digitization of the NC land grant loose documents, a.k.a. “the shucks”, has been a huge success so far! In the past month we received over $6,000 in donations which will purchase 392 reels of microfilm containing over 400,000 images. Donations came from 76…
NC Land Grants is now hosted on Amazon Web Services
As of June 13, 2021, the NC Land Grants website has been moved to a new server hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). You should see no differences and we don’t anticipate any issues, but please contact us if you run into anything at As background for those who are interested, the site has…
Answers to unanswered questions from the NGS land grants talk
The creator of the NC Land Grants website, David McCorkle made a presentation about this website to NGS Live! on May 20, 2021. Audience members could type questions in the “Q&A” box, but unfortunately there was not enough time to answer them all. The following are the answers to those unanswered questions. Q: Are citation…
NC Land Grants Version 2 – Now Live!
Version 2 of NC Land Grants is activate as of May 16, 2021. You can use your existing userid and password, and all your flagged records and defaults are retained. Please report any problems or comments in general to . For details on what is in the new version, see NC Land Grants Version…
National Genealogical Conference Live 2021 will have a session on using!
We are happy to announce that The National Genealogical Society Live 2021 event (online) will have a session on using, given by David McCorkle who created and runs this website. The presentation will be on Thursday May20 (Meck Dec Day!) at 2:30 PM. David will be available for around 10 minutes at the end…
Welcome to the new informational pages
We have moved all the informational/help pages on to a new and improved format. This will enable use to easily add and edit content in a mobile-friendly format, and provide more comprehensive educations materials and website help.
Adobe Flash is no longer required!
I’m pleased to announce that Abobe Flash is no longer required to view images!! This also means you can view images from mobile devices.